Business Analytics

在线理学硕士[br]Business Analytics



33 Credit Hours



$815/Credit Hour



Complete in 2 Years
100% Online


St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学’s online Master of Science in Business Analytics gives you hands-on experience with powerful data analysis software 以及以领先的分析和可视化方法为基础,自信地沟通业务解决方案的能力.我们的项目是战略性设计的, competitively priced educational opportunity that will prepare you for high-demand roles 处理大数据.


"Business analytics is an area where you can be continually learning, challenged and constantly growing in your role and knowledge of business. To me, that’s a winning combination for a terrific career."

—Lisa Melton, Senior Vice President of Marketing, AAA Northeast

At a time when technology increasingly creates new challenges to privacy, 安全和可持续性, we place emphasis on ethical decision-making. 基于方济各会的价值观, 我们培养批判性思考者,他们将成为未来商业的积极力量.



CS 508 — Data Warehousing

本课程使学生了解数据库与数据仓库的区别. 学生将学习如何在企业环境中管理和创建大型数据集的数据仓库. Since this is a new trend in how to implement data, there will also be exploration of possible improvements to data warehousing.

MBA 621 -数据可视化和分析

This course provides an introduction to the field of data visualization. 学生学习基本的可视化设计原则,以产生定量和定性数据的有意义的显示,以提高管理决策过程. Students will learn various techniques for visualizing sequential, text-based, geospatial, 分层数据和大型数据集. 涵盖的重点包括数据选择,数据清理,数据分析,数据表示方法. 学生将应用分析和数据可视化设计原理来设计交互式业务仪表板和报告. Students will present their work in multiple formats to a range of audiences. Students will be introduced to various visualization software tools.

MSA 613 -规范分析

本课程的重点主要是规范分析,部分侧重于预测分析. 规定性分析寻求在给定情况的各种备选方案中确定最佳解决方案或结果, 以及建议如何利用未来机会或减轻未来风险的决策选项,并说明每个决策选项的含义. In this course, students will be familiar with the techniques, tools and applications that support managerial decision-making. 重点将放在不同的优化问题的制定和使用适当的定量技术来解决这些问题.

MSA 628 -预测分析

本课程提供了一个工具的介绍,以提高管理决策的各级组织和跨业务部门. 学生们将面临一个问题, problem or decision and will be asked to develop solutions using data techniques. The data will be extracted from an array of sources (internal or external, data format). 学生还将被要求选择合适的模型、工具和方法进行分析.

MSA 645 - Analytics Capstone

顶点课程为学生提供了一个综合他们在研究生学位课程中所学到的分析学知识的机会. 学生将整合和应用在以前课程中获得的分析技能和知识,包括数据管理, big data, visualization, data mining, 预测和优化技术, and statistics – to complete a project involving actual data in a realistic setting.

Derive value from complex data using the latest tools.

These days, we are spoiled for choice when it comes to data analysis tools. 优化你的时间和结果 通过知道什么时候使用什么软件. Apply 先进的方法 to business challenges and learn to communicate your findings with confidence. 您将学习的工具包括:

Category Tools
分析编程 Python
Data Warehousing MySQL, Mongo
Data Visualization Tableau
Predictive Analytics Python, SPSS
规范的分析 Excel求解器分析


Our Master’s in Business Analytics curriculum is designed with everyone in mind. 无论你是在从事分析类工作,还是在探索一套全新的技能,我们都有你. With nearly 20门选修课可供选择, you can bring this skill set into fields across finance, marketing, communication, cybersecurity, leadership, and more. This is a sample list of courses and their descriptions. 请查看我们的全部课程 fill out the form and access the program guide.

作为一个硕士项目,你必须有一个先前的学士学位才有资格参加这个项目. 好消息是,它可以在任何领域, 我们鼓励你和你的导师谈谈,看看你是否有资格转学分.